Saturday at the Ballet (well, Brunch og ballet)
I know I already wrote about today, but let me talk about yesterday. A few of the girls I live with got up early on a Saturday morning to bike into city center for a special monthly event called Bruch og ballet (literally brunch and ballet). The Royal Danish Ballet opens theater doors (for free) to come watch practice and rehearsals. We left a bit late and ended up with top balcony seats, but it was still a very cool experience to see the dancers stretching, warmup on bar, and practice on the floor. Going to a ballet recital is the final product and you don't expect error. It was more intimate seeing the teacher correct individual dancers and watching them practice a step three or four times.
I did ballet for six years and could still understand every movement and direction. It reminded me of why I also studied French for six years and what a beautiful art form the language and dance create.